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Planning Board Minutes 11/28/05
Planning Board Minutes
November 28, 2005
Town Hall

Present: William Meegan, Chair, Richard Osnoss, Russell Walton, Janet Weidner, Edward Kenyon, and Deborah Cini, Administrative Assistant.

Call To Order:
Mr. Meegan opened the meeting at 4:30p.m.

Minutes and Mail:
The minutes of November 14, 2005 were approved as amended.

The Board received notification of the Fill Dock license application from the Conservation Commission. It has been duly filed.

ZBL and Subdivision Regulations:
Town Counsel has postponed the written decision for the Zoning Bylaws and Subdivision Regulations. Mr. Rappaport agreed to have the decision to the Board by December 7, 2005.

Peaked Hill Property Plan:
There was much discussion about what to do with the Peaked Hill property. The discussion involved the possible uses such as moving the Chilmark Community Center up there, affordable housing, elderly housing, recreational space, cell tower, fire station, connecting missing links for trails, parking for Menemsha, and a possible swimming pool. (Enclosed for year round use.) This area is currently zoned for residential use.  Mr. Osnoss has agreed to start work on a scale drawing with corresponding dimensions of the Chilmark Community Center and other recreational structures. The board will consider hiring a planner for the property.

Menemsha and the possibility of paving the roads with a substance such as the one used at the Squibnocket parking lot. The substance does not look like asphalt and blends with the surroundings. The Board also agreed they should start work with the Conservation Commission on the Open Space plan to allow the Town to receive state funding.

Meeting adjourned at 6:40p.m.
These minutes respectfully submitted by Deborah Cini, Administrative Assistant.